Santa Claus Clebrations

Unusual Christmas Carols
Looking for a list and the words of of Unusual Carols? Then your search is over! We have collected a list of the most unusual Christmas Carols. For the words and lyrics of Unusual Christmas Carols please click on one of the following links.

The Most Unusual Christmas Carols
The most unusual and little known Christmas Carols are detailed below:

Words and Lyrics of Unusual Christmas Carols

A Christmas Carol
A Great and Mighty wonder
All hail to thee, O blessed morn!
Ancient law departs
As shadows cast by cloud and sun
A Babe is born in Bethlehem
Brightest and Best
Be ye joyful, earth and sky
Beautiful Christmas
Behold, the grace appears!
Birthday of a King
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light
Bright and joyful is the morn
Child in the manger
Christmas Anthem
Christmas day joyous
Come, and Christ the Lord be praising
Come children, with singing
Come hither, ye faithful
Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth
Comfort, Comfort ye my people
Dear Christian people
Dost thou in a manger lie?
Earth Today Rejoices
Eternal Glory of the Sky
From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell
Father’s sole begotten son
From East to West
From Heaven above to Earth I come
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
God is Love
Glad Tidings
Glorious Yuletide
Great God of Heaven
Hark! Hark! The notes of Joy
Hark! The sounds melodious stealing
He has come, the Christ of God
Hearken, all!
Holy Son of God most high
How Great our Joy
Hush, all ye sounds of War
He Smiles Within His Cradle
Hymn for Christmas Day
I am so glad each Christmas Eve
In a manger, laid so lowly
In the field with their flocks abiding
It's Christmas Day - Watch the Video
Joy fills our inmost hearts today
Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Let us all with gladsome voice
Lo! He comes with Clouds Descending
Like Silver Lamps
Little children, can you tell
Long ago a shining throng
Lord at first had Adam made
Lift up, lift up your voices now
Merry, Merry Christmas bells
Music of the Angels
Nations that long in darkness walked
Newborn King who comes today
Now are the days fulfilled
Now yield we thanks and praise
O how shall I keep my Christmas?
O Jesus, King of Glory
O sing a song of Bethlehem
O Thou who by a star didst guide
Oh, Come, Little Children
Oh, Rejoice, ye Christians, loudly
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On the Birthday of the Lord
Only Son from Heaven
Praise the Saviour all ye Nations
People that in darkness walked
Precious Child, so sweetly sleeping
Rejoice, Rejoice, ye Christians
Sing we Merry Christmas
Sky can still remember
Sleep, my little Jesus
Star in the East
Story of the Wise Men
The Angels Song
The Race that Long in Darkness pined
Tale of the Olden Time
They all were looking for a King
Thou didst leave Thy throne
Thousand years have come and gone
To Thee my heart I offer
To us a Child of Hope is born
Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
Waken! Christian Children
We Christians may rejoice today
We’ve been told a joyful thing
What Child is this?
What Star is this, with beams so bright?
When Christmas morn is dawning
When from the East the Wise Men came
Who is He in yonder stall?

Words and Lyrics of Unusual Christmas Carols

For the most Popular English Christmas Carols please click the following link:
Popular Christmas Carols

English Christmas Carols

Unusual Christmas Carols
There are links to all of the words and lyrics to each of the Unusual Christmas carols detailed on this page. The words and lyrics have have been provided for all of the family to enjoy. This list of Unusual Christmas Carols never fail to bring back warm memories. Our list of little known carols include some lovely old lyrics and classic religious words and sentiments.

Unusual Christmas Carols
Our Unusual Christmas Carols include classic carols such as Birthday of a King, From Heaven above to Earth I come, He Smiles Within His Cradle, Like Silver Lamps and Tale of the Olden Time. So enjoy and have reading the words and lyrics to the Unusual Christmas Carols, via the links above and have fun scanning through the list of Unusual Christmas Carols and then reading the words and lyrics of these little known unusual festive hymns

Unusual Christmas Carols
We hope you enjoy the words and lyrics to these Unusual Christmas Carols
. Have a Merry Christmas!

Unusual Christmas Carols

  • Lyrics to Unusual Carols
  • List to Unusual Carols Words and Lyrics
  • List of Unusual Christian song and carol lyrics
  • Free list of classic words and lyrics to Unusual Carols
  • List and free lyrics to Unusual Carols
  • List of Unusual Carols
  • Unusual carols list
  • Unusual Carols for the festive season

Unusual Christmas Carols

"Merry Christmas, have a happy and prosperous New Year!"

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