Words and Lyrics to O Jesus, King of Glory Looking for the words and lyrics to the popular Christmas Carol, O Jesus, King of Glory? Then your search is over! The popular old carol brings back those warm festive memories of Church and school. These classic words and lyrics have been provided for all of the family to enjoy. This favorite carol has some of the most popular lyrics and words of all the Christmas and carols and has lovely music to accompany this Christian hymn. We hope you enjoy the O Jesus, King of Glory lyrics and words.
O Jesus, King of Glory Lyrics
O Jesus, King of Glory Lyrics
O Jesus, King of Glory, Both David’s Lord and Son! Thy realm endures forever, In Heav’n is fixed Thy throne. Help that in earth’s dominions, Throughout from pole to pole, Thy reign may spread salvation, To each benighted soul.
The Eastern sages, bringing Their tribute gifts to Thee, Bear witness to Thy kingdom And humbly bow the knee. To Thee the star is pointing, And the prophetic Word; Hence joyously we hail Thee: Our Savior and our Lord!
Thou art a mighty Monarch, As by Thy Word is told, Yet carest Thou but little For earthly goods or gold; On no proud steed Thou ridest, Thou wear’st no jeweled crown Nor dwell’st in lordly castle, But bearest scoff and frown.
Yet art Thou decked with beauty, With rays of glorious light; Thy works proclaim Thy goodness, And all Thy ways are right. Vouchsafe to shield Thy people With Thine almighty arm That they may dwell in safety From those who mean them harm.
Ah, look on me with pity Though I am weak and poor; Admit me to Thy kingdom To dwell there, blest and sure. I pray Thee, guide and keep me Safe from my bitter foes, From sin and death and Satan; Free me from all my woes.
And bid Thy Word within me Shine as the fairest star; Keep sin and all false doctrine Forever from me far. Help me confess Thee truly And with Thy Christendom Here own Thee King and Savior And in the world to come. Free Words & Lyrics to O Jesus, King of Glory
O Jesus, King of Glory Lyrics and Words We hope you have enjoyed reading the O Jesus, King of Glory lyrics and words of this popular Christmas Carol. Popular Christmas carols, such as O Jesus, King of Glory, contain Christian lyrics and relate, in the main, to the Nativity. Christmas carols were first introduced into church services by St Francis of Assisi in the 12th century. As for the word carols - the meaning of "carol" is a derivative of the French word caroller, the interpretation of which means dancing around in a circle. The Christmas Carol and carols, eventually came to mean not only to dance but included music and lyrics - hence Christmas Caroling as typified in these famous lyrics and words.
O Jesus, King of Glory Lyrics and Words
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O Jesus, King of Glory Lyrics and Words
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