Santa Claus Clebrations

English Christmas Carols
Looking for a list and the words of old English Carols? Then your search is over! We have collected a list of the some of the best English Christmas Carols. For the words and lyrics of English Christmas Carols please click on one of the following links.

The Best English Christmas Carols
The best English Christmas Carols of all time are detailed below:

Words and Lyrics of English Christmas Carols

A Day, a Day of Glory
Ah, dearest Jesus
All my Heart this Night Rejoices
All praise to Thee, eternal God
And art Thou come with us to dwell
As each happy Christmas
Awake, my soul, awake, my tongue
Baby of Bethlehem
Beautiful Bethlehem bells
Beautiful Star
Behold the great Creator makes
Ben Jonson's Carol
Blessed night, when first that plain
Bright and glorious is the sky
Bright was the guiding star
Calm on the listening ear of night
Christians, sing out with exultation
Christmas brings joy to every heart
Come hither, ye children
Come rejoicing, Praises voicing
Come, children, raise your voices
Come, Ye Lofty
Come, your hearts and voices raising
Come, all ye Shepherds
Day, a day of glory
Dear Little Stra nger
Down from the Worlds of Radiant Light
Earth has many a noble city
Far, far away
Friendly Beasts
From every spire on Christmas eve
From Heaven High, O Angels, Come
From lands that see the sun arise
Gather round the Christmas tree
Give Heed My Heart
Glad Christmas Bells
Glorious, Beauteous, Golden-bright
God from on High hath heard
Great and Mighty Wonder
Hark from on High
Hark! The skies with music sound
Hark! What mean those Holy voices?
He is Born
Here Is Joy For Every Age
High word of God
How bright appears the morning star
How vain the cruel Herod’s fear
Hush, my Dear
Immanuel, we sing thy praise
In the lonely midnight
It's Christmas Day - Watch the Video
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine
King might miss the guiding star
Leave, shepherds, leave, your peaceful flocks

Let Earth and Heaven combine
Let sighing cease and woe
Let the Earth now praise the Lord
Light of Bethlehem
Little Child is born tonight
Long years ago
Maker of the Sun and Moon
Mortals awake, with angels join
Music on Christmas morning
Never shone a light so fair!
No room in the inn
Now Praise we Christ
O come, Redeemer of mankind
O Jesus Christ, thy manger is
O Remember Adams fall
O Savior, whom this Holy morn
O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful
Of the Father’s love begotten
Oh Realm of Light
On Judah’s plains as shepherds sat
Once o’er Judea’s hills by night
Our Day of Joy is here again
Peaceful the Wondrous Night
Praise God the Lord
Rejoice Today
Rejoice, Rejoice, this happy morn
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Savior of the Nations, come
Shepherds, rejoice!
Shepherds, what Joyful Tidings
Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
Sing, O Sing, this blessed morn
Sleep! Holy Babe
Snow lay on the ground
Soul wherein God dwells
Star Proclaims the King is here
Sweeter sounds that music knows
The Manger Throne
There came a Little Child to Earth
This night a Wondrous Revelation
Thou Fairest Child Divine
Thy little ones, Dear Lord, are we
To Thee, O God, the shepherd kings
To us a Child of Royal Birth
Virgin most Pure
Watchman, tell us of the night
We would see Jesus
Wexford Carol
What means this Glory round our feet
When Christ’s appearing was made known
When Wise Men came seeking
While by my Sheep I Watched at Night
Who is this so weak and helpless
Wise may bring their learning

Words and Lyrics of English Christmas Carols

For the most Popular and unusual English Christmas Carols please click the following link:
Popular Christmas Carols

Unusual Christmas Carols

English Christmas Carols
There are links to all of the words and lyrics to each of the English Christmas carols detailed on this page. The words and lyrics to the English Christmas Carols have been provided for all of the family to enjoy. This list of English Christmas Carols never fail to bring back warm memories. Our list of English Christmas Carols include the favorite old lyrics and classic words. Our English Christmas Carols include classic carols such as Come, Ye Lofty, Great and Mighty Wonder, Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine and No room in the inn. So enjoy and have reading the words and lyrics to the English Carols, via the links above and have fun scanning through the list of English Christmas Carols and then reading the words and lyrics.

English Christmas Carols
We hope you enjoy the words and lyrics to these English Christmas Carols
. Have a Merry Christmas!

English Christmas Carols

  • English Christmas Carols
  • Classic English Words and Lyrics
  • English Christmas Carols!
  • List of English song lyrics
  • Free English words and lyrics to Carols
  • List of English Carols
  • List of favorite English Carols
  • Most popular English carols list
  • English Christmas Carols

English Christmas Carols

"Merry Christmas, have a happy and prosperous New Year!"

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